Our website, izachile.com provides content that we provide from several sources and is subject to formation and creation from several users, authors, guest contributors, etc. Also, the type and the initiation of the content are subject to change.
Our Objective
The prime motive and objective of our site is to surf you with detailing. However, the relevance of those details is not guaranteed.
- No illegal activity: Izachile does not force anyone to follow up on any sort of involvement in wrongful and unethical tasks.
- User responsibility: The people are accountable for their actions, and they should also abide by all the local, state, and federal laws while communicating or utilising our website.
- Liability: Our website is not answerable for any type of destruction or restitution occurring during the time of elucidation relating to the content.
- Requirement of professional suggestion: Our website is not to be taken as an ultimatum. It should be considered as any type of form of professional advice.This site is solely made for the purpose of providing only content-related details.
- Third party connection: Also, we can borrow content and details that are even reachable from multiple third-party sources and applications. Also, it does not matter to us regarding the trust, legitimacy, and validity of the information.
- Copyright infringement: Promotion of any endorsed material that is copyrighted isn’t entertained by us without the significance of any such related authorisation.
- Consumer – generated content: The users can also present and serve their content on our webpage as well. But this presentation should definitely be under the linked section provided by us.